The Name Comes From “Fiber Finish”
Since its inception, FiberFin has been a leader in the plastic optical fiber (POF) industry in the United States and has helped shape the design of POF cable assemblies and termination equipment.
We use “FiberFin” as our marquee to showcase our patented, alternative method of finishing plastic optical fiber that does not require hand polishing.
Our design team has over 50 years of combined experience in designing POF connectors, automated finishing equipment, and specialized tooling. We hold multiple POF patents that have helped other leading companies use POF in their products and designs, such as POF Pack® and Light-Seal®. Our manufacturing facility uses state-of-the-art, specialized equipment for finishing and terminating POF cable, and features seven manufacturing lines.
When we work with customers, we pass our POF expertise along to them, and give them the best value that we can in our cable assemblies.
FiberFin is part of a vibrant fiber optics community. We have worked with many standards organizations over the last decade, helping to develop and implement POF in new applications.
The FiberFin® diamond finishing process was invented by Paul Mulligan out of a lack of consistent finishing methods for plastic optical fiber. His work with POF began during his time as a tool and die maker for high-energy physics applications, working with scintillating plastic fiber.
This process was instrumental in the construction of the Super-K Cherenkov detector for the the K2K neutrino experiment in the late-1990s. This was the first accelerator based long baseline neutrino experiment in the world.

This detector was also used in the second-generation, follow-up T2K Experiment.
Learn more about K2K Learn more about T2K
Mulligan used the fiber finishing method, and his knowledge and experience, as the basis for FiberFin, which he founded in 1999. FiberFin was present at POF World 2003, and has been a supporter of the conference ever since.
POF Is All We Do
FiberFin the largest custom manufacturer of plastic optical fiber cables in the United States. Unlike other companies that handle optical fiber, we specialize in POF, and allowing us to offer products and services that every need a customer may have. Our areas of expertise include:
- Active and passive components
- Custom cable assemblies
- Custom fiber
- Custom connectors
We have teamed up with Mitsubishi International and their lines of ESKA® and Mega ESKA® fiber to produce the best value products available. By operating with large volumes of POF for resale and manufacturing cable assemblies, we can pass our low prices along to our customers.
FiberFin can assist you in all stages of your specialized POF application, from initial design to prototype, thanks to our expertise and modern, in-house machine shop.